EY–Adobe Alliance

EY teams’ approach to Customer Experience (CX) combined with the power of Adobe's end-to-end digital suite can help organizations drive growth, breakthrough digital barriers, and increase customer engagement.

EY and Adobe solution Partner Logo

The power of an ecosystem featuring Adobe

Ecosystems are beneficial in transforming the customer journey because they add momentum. This helps companies transform the journey more quickly, effectively creating a consumer-first reality. 

Learn how the EY-Adobe Alliance can help you develop a customer-centric journey, including collaborative efforts with chief marketing officers and chief digital officers in both B2B and B2C arenas.

The rapid growth of the EY-Adobe Alliance is a testament to the EY focus on driving business value and building integrated, intuitive and engaging customer experiences.

Illuminate what’s possible with personalization at scale

Learn how Merck Animal Hospital, a B2B company, drove engagement by transforming its D2C platform​.

Our solutions

EY has been a great partner for us. They were one of the earliest implementers of our real-time B2B customer data platform and helped us in our journey to get other B2B companies to adopt the program.

Our latest thinking

How ecosystems transform customer journeys 

Discover how an EY-orchestrated ecosystem can help companies create differentiated customer journeys.

Cookie-less Playbook: how to enable first-party data for the end of third-party cookies

With the end of third-party cookies, first-party customer is critical. Learn the top five considerations for enabling first-party data.

How data management can establish trust and transparency

Data privacy and the ever-evolving means of gathering data can make or break a brand’s relationship with its customers.

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    Transformation in action

    How did Adobe accomplish one of its largest transformations? It was a mix of innovative product development, an intelligent acquisition strategy and an ambitious digital transformation journey. The transformation was also the result of strong collaborations from longtime partner EY.